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On average, black, Asian and minority ethnic transplant recipients wait more than a year longer than their white counterparts for a transplant.
One in five people who died on the Transplant Waiting List last year were from a black, Asian or ethnic minority background.
Why? Because you are more likely to have kidney failure and need a transplant (around a third of people waiting are of BAME background), but you are less likely to find a good match (in 2014/5, only 6% of deceased donors were from a BAME background).
Why does this matter? Although many black and Asian patients are able to receive a transplant from a white donor, for many the best match will come from a donor from the same ethnic background. Matching tissue and blood type are important for a successful transplant and these vary by ethnicity.
Over 1,800...
Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients are currently waiting for a transplant.
Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients received a transplant from a deceased donor last year. Those who do have their life saved or improved by a transplant will often have waited significantly longer for a successful match than white patients.
Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients donated organs when they died last year. If more people donated their organs after death, or as a living donor, then transplant waiting times would reduce.
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For more information behind this read our article:
As part of a campaign to increase the number of registered donors amongst BAME communities, the NHS Blood and Transplant service has release around a dozen new videos.
Find out about the process of registration and donation here:
Many other videos can be found here:
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and don't forget to register and get in touch if you can help.