NHSBT will be at the Tooting Donor Centre on Saturday 29th October 2016 (12.30-15.30) to inspire a new generation of black blood donor. This will be part of the celebrations of Black History Month and to raise awareness of the need for more black donors, as part of the NHSBT and MOBOs REPRESENT campaign." />
75 Cranmer Terrace, London, SW17
It is just off the perimeter road of the main St George's hospital Tooting campus.
Please click here for a map, directions, transport links and contact details.
Only 1% of people who donated blood in the last year were from black communities. Join Big J and NHSBT at Tooting Centre to donate blood to celebrate black history month!
More young donors, especially more black and Asian blood donors are needed.
Black and Asian donors are more likely to be rare blood types. However people of black or Asian heritage in England are underrepresented as blood donors with only about 2 in 100 donors of Asian heritage and 1 in 100 donors being of black heritage.
A very significant proportion of renal patients at St George's have Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic back grounds. Nationally, these patients have a higher than average need for blood products as kidney failure often results in anaemia and other conditions that may require blood transfusions. That, combined with less common blood groups, means there is often a shortage of blood available for black patients.
For more more information about BAME issues and needs for organ donation please read more here.