The National Service Framework for Renal Services is reaching the end of its lifespan. It was the guiding framework for renal services in the UK over the last 10 years. This has now been superceded by this document
Kidney Health: Delivering Excellence
An extract from the Executive Summary is shown here...
Kidney Health: Delivering Excellence gives a voice to the ambitions of all those who understand and care about kidney services. It offers a view of kidney care from the whole kidney community, which means people ffected by kidney disease and their families and carers as well as the many different groups of healthcare professionals who support and treat them. For people and their families, we describe what they should expect from their service, and for healthcare professionals what they should be providing. But this report must do more than reflect hopes and aspirations. It has the strong support of the patient and professional bodies that serve the needs of people with kidney disease, and should be a force for change, challenging policymakers in Parliament and the Department of Health to create a framework for the delivery of kidney care that meets our ambitions.