What services are available while you are at St George's?
There are shops, a small food supermarket (including flowers), newsagents and numerous cafe's and restaurants.
M&S Simply Food store
Whistlestop newsagent and convenience shop
The St George's places to eat are outlined here.
Toilets are located in every wing. Disabled access toilets are in the main entrance, Grosvenor Wing, Knightsbridge Wing, St James Outpatients Department, on the ground floor in Atkinson Morley Wing and Lanesborough Wing Outpatients Department.
Baby Changing Facilities are located in the main entrances of the Grosvenor Wing and Atkinson Morley Wing and outside the dining room on the first floor of the Lanesborough Wing.
Stamps are available to buy at the Whistlestop newsagents. There is also a post box nearby in the Grosvenor wing.
The nearest post office is: