Hospital contact details

If you are looking to contact someone in the Renal team at St George's or one of the units then we have put together the following details to help you:

 The following are a few of the key ward & staff contact telephone numbers:





Main switchboard

020 8672 1255


7 days

The switchboard is often busy. If you know the extension you can enter it or a pager number.


Champneys Ward reception

020 8725 1080

020 8725 0062


7 days

Be prepared to wait! The staff are often busy

Transplant Clinic

020 8725 2455

020 8725 0757



Out of hours:
call Champneys Ward Reception


Dialysis Trailer

020 8725 1113

020 8725 4706



Staff are busy with patients, particularly when putting patients on and taking them off dialysis. The best times to call are mid-shifts. 10am, 3pm, 8pm.

Home Haemodialysis & peritoneal dialysis team

020 8725 3406 Non-urgent voicemail 020 8725 0864

8:30 - 17:00


For out-of-hours help call Champneys Ward reception or if an urgent medical issue call the main switchboard and ask for the Renal Registrar on call

Patient transport services 020 8725 0808   Select Patient transport services for more details. Services are subject to eligibility criteria.

St George's Satellite Dialysis units - North Wandsworth, Colliers Wood & Kingston

See page link to the right



St George's Satellite Dialysis units - North Wandsworth, Colliers Wood & Kingston actual times may vary. Staff are busy with patients, particularly when putting patients on and taking them off dialysis. The best times to call are mid-shifts. 10am, 3pm, 8pm.
Key staff member contact details Follow links on this row   Key staff member contact details. Individual and team numbers for staff you may need to get in contact with. For an explanation of staff roles please follow people that you are likely to meet as a renal patient.