Peritoneal Dialysis

Is any surgery involved?

Yes, you will need a small operation to put the catheter into your abdomen. Many people stay in hospital overnight, but you might be able to go home the same day.

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Are there different types of PD?

There are two types of PD: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD).


CAPD – involves exchanging fluid four times a day.

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Continuous – means you are dialysing all the time.

Ambulatory – between exchanges of dialysis fluid you can carry out your everyday activities.

Peritoneal – using the peritoneal cavity.

Dialysis – the process by which waste products and fluid are removed from your body.


APD – involves exchanging fluid during the night.

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Automated – a machine performs the exchanges overnight while you sleep.

Peritoneal – using the peritoneal cavity.

Dialysis – the process by which waste products and fluid are removed from your body.